What is
Deura 9™

Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) is an innovative enhanced modification of conventional caffeine where 9 of 10 hydrogen atoms are replaced with deuterium

Deuterium is a safe and naturally occurring rare and heavier form of hydrogen

Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine), while fundamentally similar to conventional caffeine, exhibits distinct differences and enhancements

How is it Different?

While Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) possesses many of the same physiologic properties of conventional caffeine, the key differences include its enhanced activity and unique metabolic profile

Altered Metabolism

Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) is metabolized differently in the body compared to conventional caffeine since the deuterium affects the enzymatic breakdown of caffeine, leading to diminished metabolism and fewer biologically active metabolites.  

Slower Elimination

Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) is eliminated from the body at a slower rate and has a longer half-life, leading to prolonged duration of action and a more sustained effect with lower doses of d9 Caffeine compared to conventional caffeine.

Reduction of Metabolites

Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) is associated with a reduction in the formation of caffeine metabolites that may further add or contribute to anxiety, jitters, and other unwanted effects.


Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) is more slowly metabolized, so rapid metabolizers of caffeine are less likely to build up tolerance.

Want to Dive Deeper into the Science?

Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) has been extensively studied, including a head-to-head double blind clinical study, compared to conventional caffeine

Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) displayed altered pharmacokinetics and metabolism, but similar biological activity to caffeine and no genotoxicity, supporting its potential as an alternative form of caffeine
Deura9™ (d9-Caffeine) demonstrated higher exposure levels and significantly fewer unwanted metabolites with a smoother bioavailability profile, avoiding the "caffeine crash"